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Wichita Falls Area Food Bank introduces Mobile Teaching Kitchen

Wichita Falls Area Food Bank now has a Mobile Teaching Kitchen!

The Mobile Teaching Kitchen will bring cooking classes, nutrition education, and delicious recipes straight to your neighborhood!

Chef Timothy Dawson came up with the idea and gives a deeper explanation on the Mobile Teaching Kitchen and what it will offer to the community.

“The Mobile Teaching Kitchen is basically a food truck that we had built to be able to hold anywhere from 8 to 12 students and 5 to 8 adults that way we do not have to have a location to set up classes or anything of the sort, we are able to go anywhere in our 12 county radius without the need of water, electricity, or a classroom, or a kitchen or anything. We can literally just pull up and be self contained.”

Dawson says he’s very excited to see the impact of the Mobile Teaching Kitchen on the community.

“It’s a game changer, I mean we literally found when we were doing the research on this and everything, we’re the only Mobile Teaching Kitchen slash food truck in the state of Texas.”

To learn more about the Mobile Teaching Kitchen you can visit Wichita Falls Area Food Bank - About Us (