On Monday, Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a back-to-work initiative that would give 20,000 Oklahoman’s a $1,200 bonus for getting and keeping a job. The incentive comes at a good time for Oklahoma’s ag industry.
As Oklahoma lawmakers shore up the state’s $8.8 billion budget it appears one winner will be common education.
As the school year winds down, educators are already looking forward to next fall.
This weekend is the Parkinson’s Foundation Rally Walk. It’s Saturday at 9am here on the campus of Cameron University. For information, go to parkinsonoklahoma.com/Lawton.
Also on the Cameron Campus in the stadium parking lot is Dog Days at the Lawton Farmer’s Market from 8-12. Dr. Holly Lunsford will be providing half-price vaccinations for your fur babies.
Also don’t forget that the Tour De Meers is coming up the weekend of the 28th and 29th. Information is at tourdemeers.org.