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Don't Call List for Ok. Telemarketers Deadline March 1

Oklahoma City, OK – According to Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson whose office operates the Don't Call program which is under the new law effective January 1, more than 436,000 Oklahoma phone numbers are on the first quarter list which had a December 1 registration deadline. Telemarketers will be required to purchase a quarterly list to do business in Oklahoma starting the first of the year, and need to be in compliance as of February 1 with the first quarter's list.
Residents can still register 24 hours a day for the program which limits certain telemarketing calls, and there is a quarterly deadline to sign up for each list. Once the number is placed on the list, it is up to residents to remove their number from the list if they no longer want to participate in the program.
The toll-free number to call to sign up is 1-800-390-5708. The website registration is located at for online registration. The second quarter list deadline for registration is March 1, 2003.

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